2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR
Back to School Items $6771.00
Christmas $5477.33
Rainbow Room & CPS Direct Requests $26,329.62
TOTAL SPENT $38,577.95
on CPS caseworkers, children, and families in Guadalupe County
See How Your Donations
Are Being Used
GCCWB Supporters held their two (2) yearly scheduled fundraisers, one which was the annual Super Hero 5K Fun Run which generated $11,000.00 and the profit was split with the Guadalupe County Children’s Advocacy Center.
The second yearly fundraiser was the Ugly Sweater Dinner Party which generated $5,603.04 and all proceeds went to GCCWB Supporters and spent on Back to school items, Christmas gifts for the children, Rainbow Room & other items directly related to the children of Guadalupe County.
Due to COVID-19 both fundraisers for GCCWB had to be suspended. Due to the lack of these additional funds, GCCWB Supporters has been forced to cut back on all budgeted amounts that directly affect the vulnerable children and families we assist in Guadalupe County.